Tiger mom book review
Tiger mom book review

The list includes Jews, Cubans, Nigerians, Mormons, Indians, Iranians and Lebanese-Americans and the three traits they share, (the "triple package") are, apparently, "superiority complex, insecurity and impulse control". In Triple Package: How Three Unlikely Traits Explain the Rise and Fall of Cultural Groups in America, they argue that certain "cultural" (they avoid the words "racial" or "ethnic") groups succeed in the US. Now Chua is about to publish a new book, co-authored with her husband, fellow Yale law professor Jed Rubenfeld, which, a month away from publication, is already provoking reaction on the internet. To the dismay of Chua's critics, her daughter's eminently sane letter ended: "I'm glad you and Daddy raised me the way you did." If I actually tried my best at something, you'd never throw it back in my face." That's why, when you rejected it, I didn't feel you were rejecting me. It took me 30 seconds I didn't even sharpen the pencil. "Let's face it: the card was feeble and I was busted. Later, in an open letter to her mother published in the New York Post, Chua's eldest daughter, Sophia, dismissed the incident. Chua's words: "I deserve better than this. This is the time that her four-year-old daughter offered her a handmade card with a smiley face on it and promptly had it thrown back in her face. Of all the many indelible details that had readers shrieking, the birthday card incident is the most infamous. In it, Chua depicts herself as so cartoonishly cruel that she seems more evil Disney queen than real 21st-century mother. The noise got even louder when she published Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother later that year.

Tiger mom book review