The surprisingly short history of heterosexuality
The surprisingly short history of heterosexuality

the surprisingly short history of heterosexuality

Blank offers the provocative solution that soon we will move on from our present fixation on the binary to a more fluid understanding…a controversial but evidence-based scholarly footnote to the chocolates and pink hearts of the season."- New York Times "Blank's tenacious research and insightful arguments make clear how malleable the attitudes of the world we live in really are."- BUST "Blank writes with great erudition and humor, so that, even a skeptical (or anxious) reader will be hard-pressed not to find it enjoyable and thought provoking."- Haaretz "Hanne Blank has rendered a meticulously researched romp through the history of 'heterosexuality'-that pesky orthodoxy still looming over Western culture like smog.

the surprisingly short history of heterosexuality

Blank darts from one intriguing, thought-provoking point to another…Ms. With an extensive historical scope and plenty of juicy details and examples, "Straight" provides a fascinating look at the vagaries, schisms, and contradictions of what has so often been perceived as an irreducible fact of nature."Using wit and wisdom, Blank substantiates her argument that love and passion are not defined by biology."- EDGE Publications "Blank's work reaches further and deeper into the history of heterosexuality…highly accessible."- Lambda Lit " Straight …is accessible and engaging, often witty and penetrating in its insights."- New York Journal of Books "musing, readable synthesis…Ms.

the surprisingly short history of heterosexuality

Consider how Catholic monasticism, the reading of novels, the abolition of slavery, leisure time, divorce, and constipation of the bowels have all at some time been labeled enemies of the heterosexual state. In "Straight, " independent scholar Hanne Blank delves deep into the contemporary psyche as well as the historical record to chronicle the realm of heterosexual relations-a subject that is anything but straight and narrow. It's surprising that the term "heterosexuality" is less than 150 years old and that heterosexuality's history has never before been written, given how obsessed we are with it.

the surprisingly short history of heterosexuality

In "Straight, " independent scholar Hanne Blank delves deep into the conte.

The surprisingly short history of heterosexuality