The Book of Kells by Bernard Meehan
The Book of Kells by Bernard Meehan

Other questions, such as the number of artists and scribes who contributed to the manuscript and how often and by whom it was viewed, also remain without definitive answers. Date and origin remain, however, unresolved important questions, with the absence of conclusive argument frustrating detailed contextual studies. Efforts to determine the date of origin have receded from the contentious debates of the 20th century, as to a lesser extent have the arguments over its place of origin, with recognition of the general cultural unity of Ireland and the British Isles in the early Middle Ages and the fading of modern prejudices. Modern scholarship is mainly art-historical, with concentration on “word and image” and other interpretative studies. It contains all types of Insular manuscript art: “beast” canon tables, four-symbols pages, full-page initials, an evangelist portrait, full-page pictures, one “cross-carpet” page, and thousands of decorated minor initials. One of Ireland’s most precious treasures, its visual art and historical aura are part of the modern Irish national self-image. Today, as Manuscript 58, it remains at Trinity. The manuscript was removed from Kells during the religious and political turmoil of the 17th century and eventually sent to Dublin, where it was given to Trinity College Library. Some scholars attribute all or part of it to Kells, founded in the early 9th century after Viking attacks on Iona. Documents relating to lands of the Columban monastery at Kells were written on blank sides of several of these prefatory folios in the 11th and 12th centuries, providing evidence of its later medieval location. It opens with accessory texts introducing the whole gospel book and prefatory texts proper to each gospel. Written in bold Insular style scripts, it has a mixed Vulgate and Old Latin text typical of gospels associated with early medieval Ireland, but with some notable unique variants. Columba on the island of Iona, off the west coast of Scotland. Generally accepted to have been made in the late 8th or early 9th century, it is usually attributed to the monastery founded in 563 by the Irish holy man St. One of the most renowned medieval manuscripts, its exact date and place of origin are unknown. The Book of Kells is a large format manuscript of the gospels, famed for the beauty and ingenuity of its decoration.

The Book of Kells by Bernard Meehan