In a book in which the Greek myths are an undercurrent, he is the chorus, announcing and heeding the omens of doom. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Amidst his own traumas and anxieties, he gathers resources, boards windows, stores water, worrying as the storm approaches, while no one else heeds his alarm. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Salvage the Bones: A Novel at. While damaged emotionally and eventually also physically, the children's father spends the entire book preparing for the storm. As much as relations and inequalities between men and women and toxic masculinity provide a drum beat throughout the book, it is actually the human capacity for love, the undersold story of infinite male tenderness and even less told story of female ferocity that are its heart. The love Skeetah has for China, that older brother Randall has for youngest brother Junior, that they all have for each other and their Dad's love, flawed as it is, is the sinew that ties the book together and is Ward's contribution.

His capacity of care for her is big enough to encompass almost the entire bayou in which they live and ultimately weather hurricane Katrina that is approaching relentlessly throughout the book, villain and goddess of the book. Ward's book opens with birth: Skeetah's pit bull China is giving birth to puppies and the reader learns more about the mechanics of that than one might have hoped, but we also learn that China is the love of Skeetah's life.